Cottaging in Tiny

A few weeks ago, I got to head up to the little town of Tiny and rent a cottage with my family for a week. We had truly odd weather. Some days it was almost 35 degrees and sunny, other days it was rainy, and then some nights went down to almost eight degrees! But it did allow me to take a variety of pictures.

As I'm sure I've said a bazillion times, I love Queen Anne's Lace.

Down at the beach.

Walking back to the cottage.

I love these next two pictures.

There were a few rainy days. This picture was taken at about
8 am, and I thought the colouring and lighting was so
pretty that I made myself get out of bed.

I love the look of separate water drops.

Cloudy days spent at the beach were some of my favourites.
Warm, but low risk of sunburn.

This woman just took her dog around the lake on this little
board and I thought it was adorable, so of course, I took
a picture.

Hello Mr. Grasshopper.
More rainy days.

Rainy afternoons are perfect for watching the Hobbit movies,
eating ice cream and playing board games.

Running from the car to the cottage.

Sometimes it rained and, occasionally, it poured.

Reading in the hammock.

Ahh, so this is what they meant when they said the bunkie
was "teen friendly".
