Fear is a Thief
Fear is a thief.
And I know that’s something that sounds so painstakingly
obvious that you might wonder why I’d bother writing about it at all. But I feel like recently I’ve been on a
journey of discovering just how powerful fear is, and just what it robs from us
when we let it take control of our lives. And I figured, for anyone out there
that’s possibly walking a similar journey, I’d share some of my recent
revelations as an encouragement.
Fear is a nasty bugger. He creeps in right when you’re at
your lowest point and whispers all sorts of really convincing “what ifs” in
your ear. I’m very familiar with fear’s voice and it’s been a battle of mine to
not allow fear to control my life.
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been in a season where
everything has stopped. My life seems to have come to a halting standstill and
all of the things that I would have turned to in attempts to fill my life with
some sort of a routine and normalcy have been taken away. There’s nothing like an vast empty canvas to encourage
whatever’s inside you to come up and dump itself out in an impressive display
of varied colour schemes.
For me, I found two main things came up: fear and
And if there’s one thing I’ve learned recently, it’s that
fear and creativity don’t mix.
Creativity would rise up within me when I was confident: confident in my identity, and confident in the fact that God had me in his hands. I would
write, photograph, sing, and play my guitar; I’d come up
with semi-ridiculous projects that didn’t even make a lot of sense but were fun
and enjoyable. I’d even draw when the inspiration hit. And it enriched my life
so much. There’s something so nice about being able to express and creative. I find it to be incredibly therapeutic and life giving.
But as soon as I’d start to doubt myself, or doubt the plan
I knew God had for my life, I’d find that creativity start to shrink. I lost
inspiration. I lost my motivation. And as fear entered my life, creativity was
the last thing on my mind. When I was fearful, I’d grab control and you can’t
successfully be creative when you’re scared of being out of control. Because
creativity in its very nature demands risk, especially when throw out the
guidebook and detailed instructions and actually let yourself create out of
your soul and your spirit.
And as I’ve thought about
this more and more, and prayed about this, there are a couple of things I’ve
1. God is love. There is no
fear in love (1 John 4:18), therefore we can conclude that there is no fear in
God. God is also the most magnificent artist and creator of all time. If
there's no fear in love, and God is love, and there's no fear in God, we can
conclude that there's no fear in creativity either. Creativity is one of God's
many attributes and something he gives to us. When we’re afraid and live
in fear, this creativity is squashed.
2. Fear and creativity are opposite responses to the “what if?” question that will always be present
in our lives. The truth is, there will always be a level of uncertainty in our
lives. It’s our choice how we respond to it. When we’re secure in our identity
and we ultimately trust God to take care of us, the “what if?” question isn’t
scary. In fact, it can actually spur us to be excited and inspired by the “what
if?” question, prompting creativity.
This is just one explain of
the ways I’ve seen fear steal in my life. I don't think God ever intended for
us to live fearfully, because when we live fearfully, it squashes so many of
the gifts God gave us to enjoy. And I know that that seems fairly clear, but
I'm beginning to really, truly realize it in my own life, just how obvious it is that God
doesn't want us to live in fear.
When I’m fearful,
everything gets put of perspective.
The time that God gives me
to relax and grow becomes torturous because I don’t know if it’s ever going to
end, and what will happen when it does.
Relationships God puts in
my life to bless me become unpleasant and tiresome as I look for rejection in
people’s actions and feel more and more like a burden.
Anything that is out of my
control is bad.
Anytime when I am unsure of
the future is bad.
And I become more fearful
as I realize that I am so incapable of having the amount of control I desire.
When I trust God’s goodness,
his knowledge, his kindness, his plan for my life, and his ultimate love for
me, I’m okay with that. I’m okay with not having control, because I know that
He is in control.
I’m okay with not knowing
what’s going to happen, because I know that He does, and He’ll tell me when I
need to know.
I’m okay with not
understanding why I should do what God’s asking me to do something, because I
know that He sees the bigger picture.
I’m okay with letting him
write my story. In fact, I’m actually getting to the place where I prefer it.
He’s a pretty good author.
Anything that is out of my
control is in His.
Anytime when I am unsure of
the future is an opportunity to trust in his plan and be excited for the endless possibilities.
Creativity, relationships, time, the future, my life,
they’re all gifts that God has blessed me with. And as I grow to trust God more
in my life, I’m realizing just how unnecessary fear is in my life. I don’t need to be afraid. And that is an
incredibly freeing revelation.
God created me to be bold. He created me to be free.
Fear keeps me in a trap of control. Trust frees me to be out of control in the best way possible. Trust allows me to be fully me in the fullness of God's grace and love.
Hello Sarah. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post and know your interest. I am also glad to go through your post which is so true as your title of the pst says. I am blessed and feel privileged and honored to get connected with you as well as know you through your proifle on the blogger and the blog post. I love getting connected with the people of God aorund the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I HAVE BEEN IN THE PASTORAL MINISTRY for last 37 yrs in this great city of Mumabi a city with a great cotnrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reahout t o the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. we would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. we would love to have you come with your friends to work with us during your vacation time. I AM SURE YOUWIL HAVE a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is diwakar Wankhede. Looking forwsard to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friend and also wishing you blessed and a joyous Christmas season ans a brigth, prosperious and a Christ centered coming New year 2017